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Epoxy : Chem Flux 低黏度環氧樹脂塗料

Epoxy : Chem Flux 低黏度環氧樹脂塗料

CHEM FLUX is a clear low viscosity epoxy resin system that will give an artistic overall look to coatings projects. CHEM FLUX has a degree of flexibility which reduces internal stresses
it gives the user a prolonged working time (over 30 minutes) and cures with low heat buildup. It has excellent clarity and its low viscosity properties reduce air entrapment and give a high gloss finish.

CHEM FLUX 是一种透明的低粘度环氧树脂体系,可为涂料项目带来艺术的整体
外观。 CHEM FLUX 具有一定程度的灵活性,可减少内应力它为用户提供了
较长的工作时间(超过 30 分钟),并且固化时的热量积聚较低。它具有出色
CHEM FLUX 是一種透明的低黏度環氧樹脂體系,可為塗料專案帶來藝術的整體
外觀。 CHEM FLUX 具有一定程度的靈活性,可減少內應力它為使用者提供了
較長的工作時間(超過 30 分鐘),且固化時的熱量累積較低。它具有出色
Packaging 3 GAL, 15 GAL, 150 GAL, 750 GAL
Color Part A Part B Mix
Clear Clear Clear
Shelf Life 12 months in original unopened factory sealed containers. Store in dry cool place between 10 and 32 °C (50 and 89 °F). Keep away from extreme cold, heat or moisture. Keep out of direct sunlight and away from fire hazards
Mix Ratio, by volume A: B-2:1
Mix Ratio, by weight (grams) A: B = 100:50
Pot Life (100 g @ 25 °C) 5-7 minutes
Working Time 35 minutes
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